Thursday, June 3, 2021
To continued.
6. Infographics
Infographics don’t have to be those long professionally made images you see all over Pinterest. An infographic can be an image of any size or shape and about any type of information.
Creating infographics for your blog is an effective way to provide valuable information while encouraging people to share something visually appealing. They could be charts, statistics, step-by-step instructions an even fun facts.
The higher the quality these infographics are, the better. Tools like Canva and Venngage make it especially easy to make your own imagery with their pre-built templates and free icons.
7. Current events
Similar to industry news, writing about current events is even easier. The key benefit of writing about what’s happening now is that people are already searching for more information about events as they happen, making your blog post a prime reading option.
Think of things that interest you and stories that stand out. Maybe they’re controversial, or especially interesting. Cover it in your own way to generate more interest from your readers. Even better, find a topic that already links to your niche.
8. Case studies
Case studies are an excellent way to generate social proof and they’re easy to write too. People love success stories, so writing a case study about someone who has used your product/service or advice to great success, can do wonders for your blog.
Get in touch with your audience and if you sell a product, contact your customer and start a conversation about how they’ve used your product and how it’s improved their life or business. Then include them in a case study published on your blog.
Here’s an example of a Thrive Themes case study where a tiny email list of fewer than 1,000 subscribers was turned into $100,000+ in sales.
9. Inspirational stories
Why not step away from the same old content and share some good news? Write about a new milestone your blog has reached. Or, share an inspirational story of how you got started in your industry. What happened to get you to the point you’re at today?
People love inspirational stories because it makes them want to experience that success too. This is why stories filled with hope and inspiration do so well on social media.
We’re all striving for something better from our lives – your success story will help your readers to continue to reach for their goals too.
10. Interviews
Interviews are always a good way to drive interest amongst your readers. People are always eager to hear what the people they look up to have to say. Try publishing an interview with an important figure in your blog niche and area of interest.
During the interview, you can discuss important events in your industry, get expert advice and even business insights.
The key is to keep the topic of your interview central to things your audience is interested in.
You could position your interviews as video or audio. Alternatively a written interview like this one with Ryan Biddulph over at ProfitBlitz:

11. Video blogs (vlogs)
Video blogs or Vlogs, call them what you will, but with the rise in popularity of blogging on YouTube, video blogs are the new in-thing. Updating your blog in video format can have many benefits for your site.
- Videos are shorter
- You personally and visually connect with your audience
- They’re popular sharing fodder
- Many social networks prioritise video over written content
And even better, embedding your YouTube vlogs on your website, provides more places for people to view your content. Try the trend to see if it works for you.
12. Funny posts
A few days ago I read an article on 15 reasons to quit blogging.
You might think it contained the benefits of staying away from the blogging industry, but instead, it had 15 reasons to quit blogging written in negatives that highlighted all the great things blogging can do for your life.
A funny blog post like this doesn’t always have to be related to your blog topic – it’s for fun – a way to make your readers chortle into their morning cuppa.
Your post could be pure sarcasm or irony. Consider adding amusing GIFs for greater effect. The idea is to mix things up with a funny spin on things, that could be an instant hit.
5 Tips For Blog
Tutorials and How-to Guides
Tutorials and How-to guides are probably the simplest type of blog post you can work on. They are easy because they involve you talking about things you are already familiar with such as your product or service.
The most important thing when it comes to how-to guides is to break down your tutorial into the smallest steps and into the simplest terms. Don’t assume your readers know what they’re doing — this is a tutorial, remember?
Think about your recent work, and you can probably find some great ideas for you to write a tutorial on. Our co-founder built the largest WordPress resource, WPBeginner, by following this exact same principle.
2. Latest Industry News
You have your morning routine, just like I do. You skim the online news and find the latest trends in your industry. Why not make your morning routine into a blog post?
Find a few of the most recent events in your industry and blog about them. You can even link to news articles if you feel it is appropriate.
The important thing is that you add your “flavor” to it (thoughts, criticism, etc). You will have a new blog post in minutes! (Here’s a good example).
Related Content: 13 Best Blog Sites In 2020: Which Is Right For You?
3. Current Events
Similar to the point above, this one is even more generic. What do you enjoy reading? What catches your eye? What will you talk to your friends about? Write about THAT!
News is always happening, from the latest Marvel movie to Russia’s latest antics. The brilliance of writing a post on current events is that people are already looking for more information and thoughts about these subjects. Your opinion post on current events could become the next viral sensation!
It’s even better if you can tie the current events with your product or service.
4. Controversial Subjects
This type of blog post can be really fun to write, but remember to be wise. Controversy is always newsworthy — just look at the local news, they’re always reporting on different controversies!
You just need to figure out which controversy interests you, and how you can add to the conversation. Be sure to use the keywords around the controversy too. Mac vs. PC, MailChimp vs AWeber, Gun Control, etc. are just some basic ideas.
Since controversies are highly emotional, you want to be careful and choose your words wisely.
5. Checklists: Do you have all that you need to ____?
Checklists are one of the most simple types of content to make. You probably make lists all the time such as your grocery list, supplies lists, to-do lists, etc.
All you have to do is take that same concept and apply it to your industry or blog.
If you are in real estate, come up with a checklist for an open house.
If you are in photography, write down your engagement session checklist to make sure you have all that you need for the perfect engagement session.
To perfect the checklist, take a common task and break it down into short, actionable items.
Next, you can share that checklist to help others get started. Take a look at our
To continued.